I started the month with such good intentions. I had my list of things
that need to be done and accomplished:
1) Update website - new photos and content.
2) Write out details and a list of new blogs
3) Update twitter
4) Sort out Twit for You
5) Paperwork and accounts (I know that is an ongoing situation) but I need
to remind, chivvy myself to do this!
6) Sort out children stuff
7) Ongoing jobs – keep them going and working (although they are rather
quiet at the moment)!
You get the drift – all those things that a person running their own business and a
family has to do.
Then what happens - The Olympics!
I have to admit that I am not a
sporty person: I don't follow any sports, champion a team, watch the telly avidly or get absorbed, I walk my dog, swim sometimes,
play a little social tennis etc etc. - but, starting with the opening ceremony I
have become rather obsessed with the Olympics. I have been watching
sports that I know nothing about, shouting at the television in the hopes that
the athletes can hear me, started reeling off statistics and criticising the athletes techniques. Last week I knew nothing - this week I am an expert. We have had the television or computer live
feed on - all the time! The children are enjoying the wall to wall television with not so much of a whimper of protest from me.
It has all been wonderful. The atmosphere in London is fantastic, the
coverage has been superb (so much better than the Jubilee) the commentators
appropriate (in the main) and the skill, fitness and ability of these dedicated
athletes a joy and wonder to behold.
What with Olympic TV coverage 20 sports plus (how does one choose?) and Twitter stream comments I haven't got anything
done. The back up of items to do on my list is getting rather
frightening. So, I have promised myself that once the closing ceremony is
over, that is it - nose to grindstone and I will (hand on heart) start to get
some work done!
You have it in writing - tell me off if I don't!
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