Friday, 31 August 2012

A Rant About Twitter!

Why Can't You Manage The People You Follow on Twitter?
I want a Twitter address book!

Tooled up and ready to tweet

There is something that really, really irritates me about Twitter - don't get me wrong, I am still the Twitter convert of a earlier this year, I still think that it is the most amazing small business marketing and profile raising medium that I have ever come across - but! .......................Why is there no way of being able to search easily amongst either your followers or those you follow to find that one person you remember following ummm about 4 weeks ago, that did something specific that you knew would be useful at some point, but now you can't remember their name, or when you followed them, or what their name is or.............................Well you get the gist - I can't remember them.

What I would like is a Twitter address book.   A way of categorising those people who I follow.  Some I follow because they are in the same/similar business, some because of their blogs, some because they are amusing, newsworthy, interesting, local, different, useful etc But there are a few, a minority that I just come across and think  oh they could be useful I'll follow them - but then I can't find them again.

I was looking for, you see I can't quite remember how they described themselves - I think it was an Eco somebody in buildings.  Can I find them?  No!  Can I forward their details on to someone who I know they would be useful too - no!  

So all you wonderfully amazing computer, internet, fantastic people could you please design a way of sorting out our followers into an address book - and before you ask - lists don't work if that person doesn't tweet much!

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