Thursday, 5 April 2012

Six, now seven, of the best websites to make it easier to manage your social media life!

Listed below are a number of websites that were recommended at the Social Media seminar I went to given by Keren Lerner of Top Left Design and Alicia Cowen - to make managing your social media life easier.

I am still working my way through all of them - some proving more useful for me than others. 

Mashable : Social Media news blog covering cool new websites and social networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube

Tweetdeck :is your personal browser for staying in touch with what's happening now, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace

Tapatalk : More engagement and participation - Mobile solution for online communities, empowering discussion forums with mobile access since 2009.

Google Reader : constantly checks your favourite news sites and blogs for new articles and information.

Buffer: makes it super easy to share any page you're reading. Keep your Buffer topped up and we automagically share posts for you through the day.

Bitly: Wonderful site that shortens the URL's of sites that you think are interesting so that you don't use up all of your 140 characters when sending a tweet. 

Hootsuite:  Helps you manage your Twitter account, scheduling tweets, seeing whats come in that you need to respond to and allowing you to sort out your twitter feed into manageable columns of data.

There were many others but I think that these were some of the most useful. 

Having  spent a couple of weeks sorting myself out the top two of the above websites that I would recommend for the beginner are: BITLY and HOOTSUITE

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