Thursday, 29 March 2012

Tips on How to Organise a Street Party


The following is drawn from my experience at being the prime mover in getting 5 other street parties rocking and rolling and should not be taken as a verbatim and accurate way of organising a party. 

Council requirements will alter and fire requirements will be different, depending on where and when you are holding your party. Please check with your council.

Some points to consider when planning. 

  1. Leaflets:   Leaflet the street advertising the event, this will enable you to find out level of interest and who might be interested in helping you organise the event. Remember to get email addresses.
  2. Apply:  to the council to close the street.   Some councils charge for this - for the Jubilee this year the charge is being waived.
  3. Bring:   From experience we have found that it is easier to ask people to provide their own food, drink, tables and chairs.
  4. Provide:  The street provides extra tables and chairs, music, games for the children, face painting equipment, insurance, bunting and tent to cover the music man/people/electrics, road closure signs and barriers.
  5. Insurance:   Not a requirement, but working on the law of Sod - if we don't have it something will happen, if we do then it won't.  Insurance, depending on numbers and complexity of the event usually starts at around £100.00.  See link to right 'Event Insurance' for the company I use. 
  6. Bunting:    When hanging bunting - I have been advised by the Council that all bunting should be hung from the houses in the street - not the lamp posts as these are Council property.  Bunting should also be hung high enough that a fire engine can pass beneath.
  7. Marquee:  Any tents in the street have to be placed to one side so that a fire engine/emergency vehicle can pass - in the event of an emergency.
  8. Music:   Any electrical equipment should have some form of tent - in case of rain to cover it.  An external transformer is a good idea.  We also have external lights to light up the tent.
  9. Money:    I would recommend raising funds and getting people to commit coming before the day.  Collecting money on the day is difficult.  We are raising a little extra money this year to pay for: DJ, toys for children, water pistols, face paints, a new marquee, insurance, hire of trestle tables (3), any over will go to a charity.
  10. Clearing the Street:   I would recommend leafleting the street a week before the event houses and cars.  Leaflet the cars again, a few days before getting them to move - and if possible close off the road late the night before the event.
  11. The Great Clear Up:   Get as many people to help as you can.   Do quite a bit of it that night otherwise the foxes and vermin make an awful mess.   We usually finish off the next day - after eating breakfast in the road and the children enjoying the empty street for as long as possible.

A rather condensed but hopefully helpful blog on how to organise a street party.

Most of important of all have fun and meet your neighbours.

Some links to some interesting Jubilee Stuff:

Jubilee Jelly Mould 

Jubilee Bunting

Bunting - General

Snazzy Jubilee Scarf from Horrockses Fashions 

Pound Cake with Passion Fruit Cream Cheese Icing - Delicious.